#Essay 1*


Q. Putting up AI cameras on roads is for the benefit of the people. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

I agree to disagree when it comes to people saying fixing cameras are for the good of the public. This essay will contain the reasons why, is it ill for people and reasons to why it benefits only the government and not people.

Artificial intelligence are said to be added to maintain traffic rules, they penalize citizens for modification, speeding, for not wearing a helmet and many more. All these are agreeable when perceived from the eyes of someone who doesn't drive, It is otherwise when looked from someone who can because for one who can, knows how to drive responsibly.

Fixing cameras when the roads are not fixed is a complete absurdity. Why not meet the basic requirements of a path when charged and fined for driving on it, today the roads are filled with dirt and potholes. A biker was reported to have broken his leg when his bike slipped into a gutter in the center of the road. Another case was of a truck that couldn't take a turn into a national highway cause the road isn't wide enough for it to turn and caused a block lasting for over 10 minutes. For a country that has a rising population, it is necessary to improve and maintain the road facilities as all who drive pay taxes for what they drive and drive on.

The penalties seem extreme for the public as they vary from 10 - 15 dollars for a single violation while you could buy gas for $1, a fine 10 times of  normal gas prices feels absurd and tells me the government is taking advantage of the simple men. A man was charged for speeding and not putting on his seat belt last day, but in reality he was taking his sick mom to the hospital.

In summary, my ideas stick to standing against the people who say it is good to put up cameras to maintain rules because I find it as a cheap way of the government to exercise power on the normal people rather than safety.


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